Monday, November 26, 2018

Goin' on a Tree Hunt

November 18th:
Thanksgiving break is shaping up to be absolutely fantastic and it’s only been a day and half. It started Friday at 4:00 with a roomie dinner at Panda Express (yes!!!) followed by an evening with Tori. After talking for hours and cleaning spoiled milk off the patio *cough* Leaf *cough* I curled up for the most amazing 2-hour nap while Tori read her book. Soon enough it was 10:00 and time to go to Bobby’s for a Hitchcock movie. We all cozied up with all but 3 blankets I dragged from the apartment and watched Rear Window. It ended about 12:20 but none of us were ready to go home. Come on, it’s break. We decided on The Birds for round 2. I think we finally got to bed around 3:30. 

Despite our late-night adventures, I woke up at 8:15 to get ready for some Christmas tree hunting at 9:00. Our happy gang of 7 (Me, Leaf, John, Bobby, Sarah, Abi, and Emily) stopped at Tri-State for our tree permits then headed for the hills. Driving the 30 or so minutes to the National Forest reminded me of how much I miss long drives. It takes me all but 5 minutes to go to most places around Moscow. I miss long highways and singing obnoxiously to the music.

We hiked for I don’t know how long, half on a path and half shortcuts through the switchbacks. Despite the many complaints emerging from our group, I actually enjoy that type of hiking. Going uphill is much easier if you are busy fighting through bushes and low hanging tree branches. There is not much to tell about our tree hunting adventure. It was good fun, but it’s hard to explain exactly why. Nothing particularly exciting happened. It’s just one of those things that was extremely fun to experience but not fun to talk about. It’s just fond memories to think back on with the people you were with. 

After we brought our 4 trees home, we put together our miscellaneous ingredients to cook a huge breakfast. We spent the afternoon watching a combination of people play Super Mario and then watch some Parks and Rec. 

Flash forward to today (the 26th). Honestly, I know we did something else that evening, but my mind is completely blanking. The following week was full of nonstop going and going, I’ve completely crashed and burned sick on the couch. I could write a many many blog posts about Thanksgiving break adventures, but I’ll just jot down the highlights. 

1. Another giant breakfast. 2. Another Hitchcock movie, this time Rope. 3. Stargazing, where I saw the most amazing shooting star in the history of shooting stars. 4. Lots and lots of Parks and Rec. 5. Ruth and Isaac’s engagement party. 6. A good ole’ road trip to Seattle. 7. A run in with Border Patrol at the Canadian border… 8. Swimming in the Pacific (not me) and trespassing (me). 9. An amazingly fantastic Thanksgiving dinner with 25 other people. 10. Another good ole’ road trip with a detour through Portland and one of its bowling alleys/arcades, arriving home at 4:30am. 11. Another round of Christmas tree hunting, but with snow this time! Tons of snow. And many face plants into the snow. 12. Lots of Christmas decorating and paper snowflakes. 13. One last big breakfast, with just a little more Parks and Rec. 

All in all, spot on.

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