Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter Festivities: Part 1

I'm not even finished with this blog post. It turned out to be so long, and I've been so busy, that it's taken me over four days to even type this much. SO, I'm splitting it into two parts.

Part 1: 

In my opinion, my family celebrates Christmas pretty big. My entire family gets really into it, especially my mom. We are really big on presents, but not in a bad way. I just grew up loving being able to give to everyone I love. However, I do not think I have ever been as festive as I have been this year. Yeah, my family loves Christmas; but it’s only Christmas Eve/Christmas day. My parent’s church doesn’t follow the church calendar, so the weeks leading to Christmas are just filled with shopping, wrapping, and some baking. Other than that, the festivities are reserved for the 24th and 25th.

It’s been really different for me here. This whole month has been full of all kinds Christmas/winter merriments. To start, I’ve gone caroling three times in the past two weeks. Three. Times. I’ve never been before this. And I love it. I’ve gone to multiple Christmas parties and fairs, as well as did a secret Santa gift exchange and lots and lots of singing.

However, this past weekend has been the most exciting by far. On Friday, everyone finally finished finals, including myself. I was part of a big Christmas party at work, in which Santa came and the parents brought lots of yummy treats for the teachers (yess). After finishing my last day of work before flying home, I came outside to discover a winter wonderland! This is the first real snow I’ve seen since moving here and I absolutely love it. And no, I’m not the type of person who tires of snow after a month. I love snow. I had a beautiful walk home, where I found Rachel inside getting ready to go Christmas shopping. I decided to tag along, so we tracked through the snow and went to the mall. Anything is fun when I’m with her, even being in the cold and being forced to walk from Winco to Walmart. While at Walmart, we spontaneously decided to bake muffins for a few apartments where our friends live. We somehow got the idea that 6 dozen muffins would be enough. A cart-full of groceries later, we are trudging through the snow again to catch the bus, then again to walk home.

Rachel had to rush off to work as soon as we got home, and the Hannah’s and I had to rush off to a party. This meant we would have to bake the muffins when we both got home late that night, but more on that later. Anyways, we went to this party and enjoyed pizza (literally the best white pizza I’ve ever had, despite feeling sick to my stomach by Leaf’s repulsive pineapple), singing, and making paper snowflakes. We ended the night with watching White Christmas, a movie I’ve never seen before. I definitely did not fall asleep for 1/3 of it….

As we were leaving the party (Close to midnight I think? Or later maybe. Who knows. Just late), someone thought it was a brilliant idea to chuck a snowball at someone. I can’t even tell you who started the fight, because a full-on snowball war began within seconds. Before I knew it, I was covered head to toe in snow. But not as bad as Leaf, who literally jumped and slid his body over a snowy car and dived into the snow, just to dodge a snowball. Anyways, we finally went home and began cooking. We baked, and baked, and baked, until 4:30 in the morning. I think we ended up with 7 or 8 dozen muffins. Rachel had work in the morning until 2, so I woke up at 9:00 to individually wrap every muffin and package everything up in bags. Then I met her in town to carol in Friendship Square. As soon as caroling was finished, we rushed off to begin delivering muffins. We were crunched on time because we had to walk to three different places in the snow, and Rachel had to be at work before 5:00...

To be continued.... 

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