Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 - A Tribute

I don't like sappy posts, ones like the one I'm about to write, despite hating sappy posts. 2017. I'm not even sure what I want to say. I decided to write this rather last minute. 

2017 started out kind of rocky for me. I was dealing with a fresh break up after 2 1/2 years. I graduated high school in January, and felt overwhelmed and stressed by all the crazy college stuff I was suddenly thrown into. I felt like I had no direction. I knew what I wanted to go to school for and where, but wondered if it was even worth it. I felt smothered by the idea of living with my parents while I did online college and worked at the same job I had since 16. I wondered how I would ever move forward in my life while in that position. I also managed to get involved with a tough crowd, something I'm not comfortable sharing on the big wide web. Let's just say, it was rough and only made me handle everything else going on in my life in unhealthy ways. 

It seemed that I always had a list in the back of my mind of things I was worried, unsure, or upset about. As I already said, I was seriously lacking a direction. However, this all changed when I received a message from Hannah saying they officially signed the lease to an apartment and would be emailing my copy shortly. This is something that I was not expecting, for the journey of them trying to find a place to live hadn't been going well and I was rarely given information on the matter. The idea of moving across the country seemed an unlikely and far too hopeful dream. Yet this opportunity opened up for me by the grace of God, and before I knew it I was making plans for the move. 

The summer leading up to the move was kind of hectic, but he road trip to Idaho was full of touristy stops and bonding between us three. Somehow the move itself didn't feel real until my mom and sister actually left my apartment to drive back to Pennsylvania. It took me a solid month to adjust and I admit there were nights I thought I may have made a mistake. 

I was actually just thinking today about how odd it is to think that I've only lived in Moscow for four months. The first two months felt really fast, I remember Hannah saying to me one day "Mand! You've been here two months already, that's crazy!" Meanwhile, the last two months have felt slow and I'm so thankful for that. It seems the more comfortable I become and the closer I get to people, the slower the time goes. That's exactly how I want it. 

I love Moscow. I am so unbelievably happy and thankful that God led me down the path and granted me the abilities to change my life in the best way possible. I have been accepted into an amazing community of people who have blessed and influenced me ways I can't even explain. I have found an amazing church that has managed to change my entire perspective of the church family. I have been given the opportunity to work in a Christian daycare that not only allows me to love, care for, and aid the development of 7 precious lives, but also funds an orphanage in Africa. On top of that, I've met an amazingly generous and humble woman who has given me the biggest job opportunity I've ever received come August. Not only will I be able to help this family, but I will be able to afford moving forward in my degree. 

Coming home for Christmas has made me realize that not only have all these outward aspects in my life changed, but my perspective has as well. Through the new church and with the guidance/encouragement from my new friends, I have grown in my faith and look forward to continuous growth. I can't even put into words all that has changed in my life since moving. I just know that moving to Moscow, Idaho was my biggest and most drastic decision of 2017 - scratch that, my life - and  has already proven to be the best. 

I am ending 2017 and beginning 2018 with my best friend. We somehow always know exactly what the other needs. Apparently, right now we need individual size pies, spiked sparkling grape juice, and binging a crappy drama on Netflix. All the while, Hannah is attempting to make a hat, and I'm attempting to organize my 7 photo albums (+a garbage bag of pictures). To everyone else, this sounds like a very odd and probably lame New Years Eve. But this is exactly what I want. This is exactly what we need. I wouldn't have it any other way.  

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