Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring Break: The End

Part 4:

I could write at least 6 blog posts about spring break. But, I guess I can condense it down to just 4. Part of me feels embarrassed to want to write down every detail about this week, but honestly, it’s just been so good I don’t want to forget it.

On Saturday, I went to Spokane with Charli, Hannah, and Ruth in hopes of finding masquerade masks. It didn’t work out as planned, but we went to a few interesting stores, found some great items at a big thrift store, stopped for burgers, and went to Trader Joe’s. The drive there and back was nice too, it was a good clear driving type of day. By the time we got back (a little later than planned) it was time for the big sleepover I had planned with the two apartments. Before long, everyone was at the house and we were having a good ole fashion slumber party. We made ice cream sundaes, did face masks, watched chick-flicks (and Juno), and lots of other top-secret girl things that only girls at sleepovers can know (heh). The following morning, we all had a nice breakfast together and went to church. 

On Sunday afternoon, Charli and I decided to go to dancing at the barn (or rather, I convinced Charli since Bobby texted me that there were only two girls there). It was both fun and exhausting being 1 of the only 4 girls there. I understand why the guys usually sit a lot of dances out, it quickly becomes tiring having to dance every dance. But anyways, it was super good. I did the polka for the first time and didn’t mess up! I was so surprised with myself. On the drive back, I got my turn standing out of the sunroof, arms opened wide and the country wind whipping my hair every which way. 

Charli and I decided to go to the Arboretum and have a hippie day. We went to my favorite willow tree, sat on a comfy blanket, and enjoyed the day. Charli worked on some jewelry and fiddled around on her guitar, causing me to pause from my coloring to sing along with her. Quite fittingly, we sang “Wind In the Willows” by Captain Dipper and the Strawberry Girl. 

We lost track of time and before we knew it, we were quickly heading back to the apartments for Rachel’s movie night. We walked into an apartment full of all my favorite people, got some snacks, and settled down to watch Baby Driver. I had never heard of it, but it was good. Not just good, but an overall well-done movie with one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard. 

The rest of the week has been a bit of a blur. Most evenings, I’ve had one or more of the girls over to the house with me to watch movies or just hang out. I think it was Monday that I decided to go to East City Park to write (that’s when I wrote part 1) and ended up running into Emily, Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, Christy, Ruth, and Joelle. You know it’s 50+ degrees in Moscow when everyone in town subsequently ends up in the park. They all came over for a movie and dinner that night. Tuesday, we went to Pullman and thrift shopped. I can’t even remember Wednesday, but Rachel and Hannah slept over that night.

It was Thursday that I woke up with a stomach bug so bad that I was out of work both that day and the next. Rachel stayed with me and nursed me back to health (aka, stayed on the couch with me and watched The Great British Baking Show). I felt better by Friday afternoon and we went to get our ears pierced together, then talked at Bucer’s until she had to go to work. I went home, cleaned, and laid down for a while. The Hill apartments were then invited to 6th street for a movie, so I decided to whip up some brownies beforehand. Hannah, Ruth, and I headed over there, watched Ocean’s Eleven (another to add to the list of really good movies I saw over break), and hung out for a bit afterwards.

Now that brings me to today. This morning, I woke up bright and early to make a cheesecake for my mom’s birthday (tomorrow). It was the first time I’ve made a cheesecake from scratch in a good while (I guess I won’t know how it turned out until tomorrow, but I’ll update ya). Then I cleaned and cleaned some more. You can’t have the place a mess when your mom is coming into town. That’s a rule everyone should know. 

After I finished cleaning the house, I went to the apartment to do my weekly cleaning duty over there. I finished just in time for Ben to pick me up. I was headed to the Palouse Falls with Rachel, Ben, Abi, and Lindsey. I could write a separate post on that, but I wont for two reasons. 1: I think my blog can only handle so many posts about 1 given week. And 2: I’m going to be too busy spending time with my mom this coming week to be writing. But to sum it up, we went to the falls and they were too beautiful for words (a common theme due to my inability to describe sights in a way that would do them justice). We also went to Walla Walla and got dinner (best bacon burger I’ve had in a long time). Now I’m back at the apartment, anxiously waiting for Charli and my mom to arrive (Saturday the 17th).

Again, I apologize (kind of) if this 4-part blog series was redundant, boring, or too personal. These are the things I want to write about right now because this is what’s on my mind. It’s experiences and memories like these that I want to share with my friends and family far away, as well as be able to look back on and remember the little details. I’m incredibly thankful for the week I had, for the people I spent time with and the places I went. I’m also incredibly thankful that I get to now spend my own spring break showing my mom the same places and people I’ve grown to love so much. 

The End. For now...

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