Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Monster

Nothing like a good fright to get your heart beating and blood pumpin in the morning. Not how I’d prefer to start my day…but I did nonetheless. 

But first, let’s start with a little background. I’m currently staying with my sister in a big creepy house. Yeah, big and creepy. And I mean it, this place is huge. Three floors, plus a crawl space and a basement. I think we counted 64 doors, and that’s not including the second floor which is missing all it’s doors and has about 6 rooms. We are on the third floor, which is so high that you can feel it even when you’re in a room with no windows. Anywho, Christy is dog sitting this week, so I’ve been alone. A couple mornings ago, while I was minding my own and packing us a lunch, I heard a noise. At first, I thought it was the cats in the living room, but upon investigation I found them sound asleep on the couch. Back in the kitchen, I continued making our sandwiches. Then I heard it again. It was clearer this time, a very distinct scratching sound. And it started moving. It sounded like something was crawling its way up the roof or in the crawl space. I paused and waited, expecting (and hoping) to see a squirrel go by the slanted kitchen window. However, the scratchy footsteps continued up the roof until they were too far to hear. Okay, background over.

There I was again this morning, packing our lunch and jamming out to music, like any other day. I heard a soft rattling noise coming from the air duct (oh, that’s another thing, the heater is built into the cabinets and there is a large air duct coming out from the counter and into the ceiling). My first thought was that whatever might have been on the roof or in the crawl space was now messing with the air duct (another-other thing, there’s a hole in the roof to the crawl space, of course (and a hole from the crawl space to our ceiling, but we botchly covered that)). I heard soft scratching sounds for a second more, then it ended. I relaxed and continued about my business. Then suddenly, there was a loud rattle, and something fell on the counter right next to my hand. I just about lost my mind. I shamefully let out the loudest, girliest, high pitch (iest) scream I’d ever heard myself make. Amid my panic, I managed to jump to the other side of the kitchen and fling jelly everywhere. I was startled so bad, I hadn’t even seen what the awful creature was. I slowly crept back to the counter and peered around. Nothing could have prepared me for what I discovered….. it was beyond any of my expectations…..a big……fat..…..bumblebee.
Yeah, I know. 

As relieved as I was, my heart continued to beat quickly, and I felt a little shakey for a while. I haven’t had a good jump scare like that in a long time. As anticlimactic as this was, I thought I’d share so I’m not the only one laughing at myself. So, join me in chuckling at my humiliating dramatics.

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