Sunday, February 18, 2018

Stop and be Still

I was ecstatic when Handerson told me I could go on the Junior/Sophomore hike. I had been bugging various people for two weeks to ask someone if I was allowed, as the event was “class exclusive” and people had doubts if they could bring me. I’ve been aching to go hiking since I came back from Christmas break. I think I miss going hiking with my dad, a feeling enhanced by the fact that we didn’t get to go when I was visiting home.

Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed when I found out the hike was canceled due to weather conditions. It didn’t seem too bad outside to me. Sure, it’s cold, sure there was snow, but who cared? Apparently, the majority. But I wanted to go. Seeing the heavy snow falling before church made me even more restless. It’s moments like these when I wish I had a car, so I could just go hike and not have to depend on other people to want to go. 

Luckily, I found out Charli was still down to go. We decided to take a couple hour hike after church and a few other people decided to come along with us. We went home and got changed, then headed out to pick up Leaf, Bobby, and Daniel. I was pleased to find out we were going to bring Jex along as well. 

By and by, our group of six made our way to the Idlers Rest, cruising along back roads with the windows down and music playing. I already felt completely content, I could drive like that for hours. We reached our destination and began the hike. We were immediately trudging through snow at least a foot deep, slipping and falling around. Or at least I was. I like hiking, but I’m by no mean an athletic. I like hiking for pleasure, not for sport. Although this caused me to lag behind (definitely didn’t have anything to do with being out of shape…) I still enjoyed myself. We made it to the top of the hill, pausing to throw snowballs and take pictures of the beautiful view. 

The real excitement began on the way down. The hill was slightly steep, and Bobby convinced everyone to make our way down off the path. This meant walking/stumbling over fallen trees and finding myself on my back multiple times. That’s my favorite kind of hiking though, exploring your way around the trees and bushes. At one point we stopped in a clearing to take pictures standing on a big fallen tree, from which we jumped, and I was engulfed into the cold. It sounds odd, but I loved it. I love slipping and falling into the snow. I love just laying back and seeing the snow-covered trees tower above you. 

Charli had wandered off to get some pictures, and Leaf climbed on top of a tree. While we were waiting for Charli to come back, we fell into a silence. Bobby asked if we could just take 5 minutes to enjoy it, and we did. It began snowing on us as we stood there, looking around and closing our eyes. Feeling the snow fall on your skin and hair, listening to the sound of nothing. The sound of silence turned into a relaxing blend of snow touching the ground, wind rustling the frozen branches, and the stream trickling along. I found myself praying while I turned my face up to the sky and breathed in the refreshing winter air. I think we stood there longer than 5 minutes. I don’t think anyone wanted to interrupt the peace, except Leaf when he decided to open his Velcro phone case. It was somehow perfectly humorous though, and we all laughed about it as we walked along (except Bobby, who was just confused).

It’s easy to let your life get overwhelmingly busy. There is constantly something happening, things that need to be done and things you want to do. Although I like being busy, sometimes it’s good to just stop. Stop and look around you. Stop and take in everything you have, everything God has graciously given to you. It can sound easy, but this is something I often forget to do. I get so caught up in everything going on in my life that I forget to appreciate the simple things. I was reminded of this today when I was in the woods with my friends. In the midst of laughing and playing in the snow, we paused together to take in the Lords creation. I can’t capture the feeling in words. Nothing would do it justice or convey the experience. But it was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

It reminded me of a song by The Head and the Heart called "Let's Be Still" 

"The world's just spinning
A little too fast
If things don't slow down soon
we might not last
So just for the moment, let's be still"

I think this is the best Sabbath I’ve had in a while. I did other things today, including going to a Junior/Sophomore party and spending time with the girls downstairs, but those are entirely separate stories so I will leave this post with this. I am so thankful for being able to spend days like this, I am so thankful for this life I have been given.

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